The Hague Column

Presentation for EJ European Journalist Association ZOOM-Meeting

Date: 31.1.2025

The re-election of Donald Trump as US-President and the Competitiveness Compass of the EU-Commission


Donald Trump is re-elected as new US-President.

How do we see Donald Trump ?

Trump is merely the medium that proclaims the new spirit — ruthlessly and to the extreme. And yet, at this socio-political turning point, changes are emerging that could have a beneficial impact on Western politics and on Western economies – and on the EU.

It is clear: Trumps politics are for the majority

We see in the USA, that the majority is once again becoming a stronger focus of political considerations.

But: It is true that the strength of a society is measured by its tolerant treatment of minorities.

However, particularly in asylum policy, the political establishment has often lost sight of the interests of the broader public. In the USA and also in European countries like in Germany.

Till now: Europe has failed to respond to Trump over the past years.


Donald Trump – President of the United States USA

Doing so would have required at least two things:

1) Establishing a credible European defense policy and
2) A solid external EU-border protection system.

I think: Trump could strengthen the idea of European self-reliance, as Europe’s security cannot be delegated forever to the USA.

There is now already a first reaction on the re-election of Trump and his social and economic “revolution” he wants to implement in the USA, which also will end the woke-culture in the USA.

The European Reaction to Donald Trump

The European reaction is the Competitiveness Compass of the EU-Commission. It has been presented by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Wednesday, 29th of January 2025.


Ursula von der Leyen – Vorsitzende der EU-Kommission

This Competitiveness Compass says:

„Europe must be the place where the technologies, services, and clean products of tomorrow are invented, manufactured, and marketed.“

This is the goal of the EU Competitiveness Compass.

In this document, the Commission outlines to the European Parliament and the Council around 50 policy initiatives and legislative proposals it plans to introduce this year and in 2026.

“Europe has everything it takes to succeed in the race to the top,” said Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at the presentation of the paper.

“But at the same time, we must address our weaknesses in order to regain competitiveness,” von der Leyen said.

The sound of Donald Trump in the EU

Donald Trump – US-President

How does the Commission plan to make Europe more competitive?

First, by encouraging private investors and the European Investment Bank to invest more in innovative companies focused on future-oriented technologies.

Secondly, by facilitating corporate mergers to create firms capable of competing on a global scale. “Competition policy must keep pace with evolving markets and technological innovation,” the EU Competitiveness Compass states.

Thirdly, the Commission aims to combat overregulation and excessive bureaucracy through the so called “omnibus” legislative packages.

„Regulatory burdens have become a brake on Europe’s competitiveness,“ the Compass states.

It also promises: „This Commission will bring an unprecedented push for simplification” – and for de-regulation!
More details about the “omnibus-packages” will be presented on February 26th.

That sounds very much like Donald Trump.

We see that Trump and his “new policy” has already an impact on Europe and on the EU.

I predict: This impact will grow during the coming years. Europe and the EU must face the challenge which Trump is for us.


A new spirit of the times is emerging.

This was strikingly evident at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in January 2025, where Donald Trump and the Argentine President Javier Milei were the two most widely noted speakers.


Javier Milei on the Word Economic Forum in Davos January 2025


Thank you very much for your attention.



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